Stud Display Application form

Showcase your best rams at the SWS Merino Field Day, we’d love to see you there.

To display you must be currently registered with NSW Stud Merino Breeders Association for horns and/or polls that you wish to display.

After we receive your application your stud will be added to our waiting list, and you will be notified when a position becomes available.

Please note all information you provide is kept confidential.

Your Stud details

This name will appear in your listing in the Booklet
Your Business name we use for invoicing
The website address will appear in your listing in the booklet

Your Postal Address

Your Stock and Ram Sale

NSW Stud Merino Breeders Registration – All studs must be registered with NSWSMB. If you wish to display both horn and polls you must be registered for both to be eligible to display them at SWSSMB Field Day. Please indicate ( Y or N ) if you are intending on displaying horns or polls and if they are currently registered with NSWSMB.

Your Contacts

The first contact will be the person used for corespondence.

This contact will also be used for any correspondence
Conditions *