SWSSMB Field Day Competitions

Member Studs who display at the Field Day can compete in these competitions, all thanks to our Sponsors.

SWS Stud Merino Breeders Ram Of The Year proudly sponsored by Bromar Engineering and Riverina Wool Testers

The South West Slopes Stud Merino Breeders Ram of the Year competition is designed to select the best Hogget Ram in the region for any given year.

To be eligible to enter the competition the stud must be a member of the committee, and provide one ram:- showing no more than 2 permanent teeth which must be March tagged shorn.

Bromar Engineering
Riverina Wool Testers

Wendouree Perpetual Shield – SWSSBM Pen Of Three Merino Hogget Rams proudly sponsored by Wendouree Merinos & Schute Bell Badgery Lumby.

The Wendouree Perpetual Shield, donated by Gwen & Jack Whitechurch, and sponsored by Schute Bell Badgery Lumby will be awarded to the member Stud breeding & displaying the supreme pen of three merino hogget rams, showing no more than two permanent teeth.

They will be appraised as a pen showing evenness of quality & conformation to be March tagged shorn. These rams will be typical of the sheep breed in the South West Slopes region.

Wendouree Merino Stud
Schute Bell

Judges for the 2024 Field Day

2023 Judges with their gifts. Thank you judges!

Join us and get on display  apply here

Become part of the SWS Stud Merino Field Day and display your Stud stock, products or services.

Stud Display

Showcase your best rams at the SWS Merino Field Day.

Commercial Exhibitor

Exhibitors are welcome to display their products and services at the Field Day.

Become a Sponsor

Be apart of the SWS Merino Field Day by becoming one of our sponsors.

Market Stall

The Field Day is a great place to get your products directly to the people.